The installer application should work under most circumstances - even with non-English system software. If, however, you do have any problems, you can manually install Hippo by following this procedure. (We have had a small number of reports of the installer placing the Hippo file
directly into the System Folder rather than the Contextual Menu Items folder. Please check that this has not happened before trying this procedure.)
1. If you are updating or reinstalling Hippo and using RamDoubler or Virtual Memory, open the "Contextual Menu Items" folder and drag the old version of Hippo to the trash.
2. Drag the files "Hippo" and "Navigation" from your newly downloaded folder to your closed System Folder icon. Click 'Yes' to the dialog. (Please see file 'Hippo Read Me' under the heading Caveats if you are using Timbuktu Pro.)
3. Open your System Folder and open the Preferences folder.
4. If you are updating Hippo, open the "Hippo" folder - otherwise make a new folder called "Hippo" and open that.
5. Hold down option and drag the folder called "Actions" to the Hippo preferences folder.
6. Edit the name of the "Actions" folder so that it begins with a space:
" Actions". (This is important !)
7. Close all these folders and restart your Macintosh.
8. Customise your AppleScripts as described in the 'Notes on AppleScripts' file.